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Metaphysical Properties Of Gemstones O - Z

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Learn About Crystals & Stones
Metaphysical Property Of Crystals & Stones
O through Z

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Crystals, rocks, gemstones, minerals, gems & jewels. Learn about the crystals and stones you already have or just stones you like!

Look over our listing of stones, below. Each stone is followed by the metaphysical associations or properties of the crystals.

Do you find one you're interested in? Just carrying the stone or crystal in your pocket (after cleansing) can be quite helpful in making changes in your life.

If you want to find a stone to help you with a specific need, look over our list of metaphysical properties, followed by the stones and crystals associated, here!

For a list of birthstones, click here!

~ Have Fun!

  Free Crystals Information Learn About Stones and Crystals At Grandpa's & Learn about the metaphysical properties of crystals and planetary associations of stones O Through Z

Metaphysical Properties of Crystals
O through Z

A note about the metaphysical properties of agates. These are listed by the individual name, such as crazy lace agate, as are the various quartz crystals.

Obsidian (black) -Increases immunity, changes luck, assists in facing buried issues, may be used as a crystal ball for scrying, creativity, used in shamanic ceremonies to remove disorders and transmute energies into white light.

Onyx (black) - Centering and alignment, banishing grief, wisdom, intuition, guidance, memory, assists in mastering your future, feet and walking, protection, absorbs negativity. It is a silent record keeper for events, feelings, and memories. Crystal healers are able to unlock the energies that it harbors.
Do Not Sleep With This Stone. MANY people have requested further information on the last statement as onyx is often used to enhance the sleeping area (me thinks white onyx would be better..).
Ancient wisdom says  the black onyx holds entities that are only wakeful by night to disturb the sleep. Called the Secret Keeper, it absorbs negative energy and thoughtforms, so bad dreams may only enhance the energy. It was said that black onyx should be kept in a lead(Saturn) box when not in use, to bind negativity /entities. It is also said that the black onyx represents the gate of Capricorn, or the gate where the soul leaves the earth upon death. Said to aid spiritual inspiration, restrain excessive passion, but is also called El Jaza (the sadness) by many Arabs. A powerful stone, to be sure, but I would not keep it in a bedroom, would cleanse it often, and keep it wrapped in silk when not in use (just my 2 cents).

Onyx (white) - Balancing, grounding, beauty, strength, quiets excessive passion and soothes arguments. Ancient wisdom says that the white onyx represents the gate of Cancer, or the gate where the soul enters the earth realm before birth. A white onyx engraved with an image of Venus was a charm for beauty and strength. It was also considered ideal for a baby girl born with the sun on the 1st, 2nd, 10th, 11th, 12th, 28th, and 29th degrees of Cancer.

Onyx (eye) - Ancient wisdom says that this onyx is shaped somewhat like an eye and is easy to detect from other types of onyx. Known as eye stones, these are rubbed over the closed eyelids after work wherein the eyes have been employed. The onyx enters the eye of its own accord, drives out anything noxious, and tempers the hurtful or contrary humors.

Opal (white w/sheen) - Amplifies one's traits and characteristics, positive or negative (careful). Opal releases inhibitions, memory, instills faithfulness and loyalty. Helps one to become "invisible" in situations where they don't want to be noticed. Stones of love, happy dreams and changes. Aids the eyesight, and Parkinson's disease.
Ancient wisdom says that the opal drives away despondency and has all the virtues of the stones whose color is shows. Also known as an eye stone, when wrapped in a bay leaf, it was said to sharpen the owners eyes and blunt that of the ones he came in contact with. Patron stone of thieves, opal was said to make one invisible, protect one from cholera and kidney trouble. Also said to soothe the heart, they eyes and the nerves, and to protect one from lightning.

Pearl (white, pink, peach, gray) - Happy love experiences, marriage, maternal instinct, infection, clean channel to receive spiritual guidance, inhibits disruptive behavior. Ancient wisdom shows the pearl good for fertility, digestive problems, and blood disorders. The pearl was sacred to the angel Gabriel in the east, the moon, and Diana. Young girls wore pearls on the neck as a emblem of chastity. The pearl was part of a magical necklace of Vishnu, comprised of pearl, diamond, ruby, emerald, and sapphire.

Peridot (green) - Marital harmony, slows aging, lessens anger and jealousy, assists in finding what is lost, healing, ESP, ulcers, and digestive problems.

Petrified Wood (brown) - Business success, eliminates worries, grounding stone, hearing loss and incontinence, paralysis

Picture Rock (brown w/dark brown lines) - Global awareness, stimulates third eye, connects us to the planet, helps us face the cause of disorders, stimulates immune system, skin and kidneys.

Prehnite (green) - Facilitates spirit communication through
meditation and visualization, increases energy, protection, prophesy, dreaming and remembering.

Pyrite (gold) - Shields one from negative energy or harm, health, unites both hemispheres of the brain, intellect, helps lungs, infection, inflammation, fevers.

Quartz (clear) - Amplify and energizes energy, power stone, facilitates sending and receiving information, healer, assists communication with the earth, transforms thought into sound.
Quartz (blue) - See Blue Quartz
Quartz(rose) - See Rose Quartz
Quartz(rutilated) - See Rutilated Quartz
Quartz(smoky) - See Smoky Quartz
Quartz(snow) - See Snow Quartz

Red Jasper (rust) - Relaxation, and contentment, mothering and nurturing, compassion, completion, and organization.

Rhodochrosite (pink w/white stripes) - Love and balance, emits love energy, healing earth energy, balances mental processes, assists in dealing with avoidance and denial, helps prevent illness.

Rhodonite (pink w/black) - Calms, self confidence, gracefulness, tact, alternative choices, inner growth, heals old hurts and relationships, find romance.
Rose Quartz (pink) - Enhances all forms of love, promotes healing and kindness self love, weight loss, wrinkles, happy children.

Ruby (deep red) - Heart, longevity, assists in setting values, amplifies mental energy and increases concentration, protects against psychic attack, stable finances, lucid dreaming.

Rutilated Quartz (clear to brown w/inclusions) - Heals and balances the aura, helps to get to the root of a problem, dispels unwanted interference from the physical and spiritual plane, bronchitis, nursing mothers, sexuality, eyes, blood vessels.

Shark Teeth - Protection

Shells (sea shells) - Balances electrolytes, calms anger, meditation.

Smoky Quartz (brown) - Serenity, calmness, positive thinking, depression, fear, turns wishes and dreams into reality.

Snow Quartz (white) - Good luck

Snowflake Obsidian (black w/white spots) - Stone of protection both physical and spiritual, truth stone.

Sodalite (blue w/white) - Promotes learning, intuition, rational thought, emotional balance, stone of wisdom seekers, thyroid, diabetes, courage, endurance, sports, dispels guilt and fears.

Tiger Eye (brown, gold, blue) - Protection, clarity, empowerment, willpower, integrates yin and yang, protection when you travel.

Tree Agate (green w/white spots) - Love, abundance, wealth, good luck, longevity, protection, truth, balance, harmony, reduces fever and toxins.

Turquoise (green to blue/green) - Protection, prosperity, calming, spiritual attunement, assists in remaining grounded during spiritual work, promotes independent action, protects against accidents.

Unikite (green - pink) - Hopes and wishes come true, facilitates rebirthing, helps release those things that inhibit growth, enhances weight gain if focuses on for that specific reason.

Yellow Calcite (yellow) - Energy amplifier, helps the body and mind remember information during channeling and astral experiences.

Click Here, To Continue Reading About The Metaphysical Properties Of Crystals And Stones!

These metaphysical properties of crystals and stones have been in use for many years. Some properties come from ancient wisdom, folk magic, or folklore. Other properties come from intuitive sources that ask the stones themselves. Still other properties come from spirit guides and angels. Personally, I believe in the metaphysical power of stones and crystals and have had my own spirit guides tell me about them.

After you are done here, be sure to head back to the crystals library to learn more about the magical world of crystals, stones, rocks and minerals!

The metaphysical information we provide about rocks, minerals, and crystals is for entertainment purposes only. Please read the disclaimer at the bottom of this page for more.

This page was last modified: September 23, 2019 04:15pm UTC