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The Ouija & Spiritual Protection
By SwamiBigAnanda

This posting is being offered since there have been so many complaints and fears expressed about the ouija board.

The ouija board is simply compressed wood and a plastic planchet. However, when used to contact spirits, it becomes a magickal tool. It opens a doorway to the spiritual realms.

In the world of magick, the art of causing change in accordance with the will, magicians use ritual to set up protection, when they scry in a black mirror to receive visions.

The ouija is no different. The ouija opens a doorway. This doorway should be both opened and closed during ritual. If you are unwilling to do this, and to protect yourself, you should not play with the ouija. It is not a toy. Provided below are some elements of a protective ritual. I urge you to research magickal rituals to protect yourself.

Continued further down ...

Divination picture-learn about Ouija for free! Free Metaphysical Information-The Ouija & Spiritual Protection by SwamiBigAnand

Learn About Divination
Ouija & Spiritual Protection
Continued ...

This is the ritual of the cabalistic cross, without the lesser banishing ritual of the pentagram. It provides you with the protection of four archangels, in the four directions.

Stand before your altar or table, which should be facing east if possible, where the sun rises. The ouija board and one new white candle, should be upon the altar. Turn out all the electric lights, and light the candle.

Point straight above you towards the ceiling, with your right hand and forefinger extended. Touch your brow between your eyes, with your right forefinger, and say:
You are.
Point towards the ground and say:
this universe.
Touch your left shoulder and say:
the power.
Touch your right shoulder and say:
and the glory.
Place your palms together over your chest, as in prayer and say:
forever, amen.

Now extend your right hand with forefinger extended straight ahead. These should remain extended, throughout this portion of the ritual. Drop your left hand to your side. Draw a small clockwise circle about six inches in diameter, with your right forefinger extended. Say:
In the east Raphael (rah fay el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degrees facing south. Draw another clockwise circle with your right forefinger. Say
In the south Michael (me chai el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degree facing west. Say:
In the west Gabriel (gahb ree el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degrees facing north. Say:
In the north Uriel (oar ree el).
Turn right and clockwise 90 degrees facing east where you began.

Raise both hands and arms above your head with palms open and facing forward. Your hands and arms should form a capital Y.
before me Raphael.
Behind me Gabriel.
On my right hand Michael.
On my left hand Uriel.
Around me shine the circles, and above me shines the light of power.

Turn right and clockwise 180 degrees. Your hands should remain above your head.

I send from this place all intruding forces. They shall go far away, and be powerless to interfere with this ritual.

Turn right and clockwise 180 degrees facing east, where you began. Drop your hands to your sides. You have now cleaned up you ritual space, and can now begin working with the ouija board.

Say something such as:
This ritual is performed for the purpose of obtaining secret knowledge.

Using your right forefinger, draw in the air above the ouija board three clockwise spirals. Imagine the board being filled with white light.

Selene of the starry night, fill this vessel with thy light. You may now do your ouija board experiments.

When you are finished say:
I give thanks to thee, shining goddess Selene, for helping me to fulfill this ritual.

With your right forefinger extended, draw an equal armed cross directly on the surface of the ouija board, from top to bottom and from left to right. Draw a clockwise circle around the cross. Imagine the cross, enclosed within the circle, glowing in white light.

Selene of the starry night, seal this vessel with thy light.
Note that we use the name of the goddess Selene, as she is the goddess of the moon who governs scrying. This may be modified using another god or goddess name, one who governs scrying.

Again, perform the first part of the cabalistic cross. Point above you, with your right hand and forefinger extended. Touch your brow between your eyes and say:
You are.

Point towards the ground and say:
this universe.

Touch your left shoulder and say:
the power.

Touch your right shoulder and say:
and the glory.

Clasp your palms together as in prayer, and say:
forever, amen.

This ritual for the purpose of scrying has now ended.
I invite all gods, goddesses, and spiritual beings to depart, back to your abodes and habitations, causing neither harm nor danger to humans nor beasts. Go in peace, and fare thee well all. Extinguish the candle.
Wrap your ouija in a clean cotton or linen cloth, and store it in a secret place, to allow only your vibrations to remain on it. If you use a group of people in working with ouija, you may modify this ritual, to include them.

I hope this ritual will provide the ouija user with a model for future, safe ouija use. ~

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After you are done here, be sure to head back to the library to learn more about various metaphysical subjects, such as incense, candles, auras, ghosts, and much, much more!

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This page was last modified: September 23, 2019 04:16pm UTC